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威廉希尔集团是按《公司法》组建的具有国家一级总承包施工资质的大型建筑企业,公司成立于 1996 年,下设十余个分支机构和控股企业,国内在上海、安徽、深圳、泰州、昆山、无锡、重庆等地设有分公司,在海外,马来西亚全资公司也已设立并开展业务。

公司经营范围包含承接境内外房屋建造总承包施工、市政公用工程、机电工程、建筑装修装饰工程、建筑设计、项目总承包管理、房地产开发等。公司通过了ISO9001 质量管理体系、ISO14001 环境管理体系、ISO45001 职业健康安全管理体系认证。



Suzhou Construction Engineering Group is a large-scale construction company established in accordance with the Company Law. lt holds the national first-level qualification for general contracting of construction projects. The company was founded in 1996 and has over ten subsidiary branches and holding companies. Domestically, it has branch offices in Shanghai,Anhui,Shenzhen, Taizhou, Kunshan, Wuxi, Chongqing, and other cities. Overseas, it has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Malaysia and conducts business there.

The company's scope of business includes domestic and international general contracting of building construction projects, municipal and public works, mechanical and electrical engineering, architectural decoration and fit-out works, architectural design, project management, and real estate development. The company has obtained certifications for ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

Our company boasts a talented team and strong capabilities, encompassing comprehensive management skills from project development, design, construction, to post-maintenance.Since its establishment, we have undertaken numerous representative projects including urban public buildings,large-scale industrial plants, and residentia villa complexes. We have accumulated rich experience in construction management and earned a good reputation in theindustry. The company has been awarded titles such as Excellent Construction Enterprise in Jjiangsu Province and Best Enterprise in Suzhou City for consecutive vears,making it one of the most renowned architectural companies in Suzhou,known for its long history and cultural heritage.

Reputation stems from quality, and word of mouth comes from sincerity. Our company adheres to the corporate values of "integrity-based, building excellence, pursuing excellence, and serving society."We employ scientific, standardized,and people-oriented management as means to improve the overall quality and market competitiveness of the company.With customers as our focus, we persist in reform and innovation to meet the market demands both domestically and internationally. We prioritize efficiency and aim to enhance quality and productivity. We strive to lead in Suzhou, establish a strong presence nationwide, and expand globally to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the company while contributing our utmost to the local economy!

Steps to Realize the Dream!


  • 受市国资委委托管理14家市属国有建筑企事业单位,由市建工局牵头,组建苏州建筑控股集团有限公司。
  • Led by Municipal Construction Bureau,under entrusted management of Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,14 municipal state-owned Construction enterprises and institutions established Suzhou Construction holdings group Co.,Ltd.


  • 苏州建筑控股集团有限公司正式挂牌运营,旗下控股苏州一建、苏州二建、建筑构配件公司、东吴房产、金鼎装饰、新兴物业六家单位。
  • Suzhou construction holdings group Co.,Ltd.was officially listed and put into operation with six subordinate units-Suzhou No.1 Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou No.2 Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Architrctural Components Company,Dongwu Real Estate,Jinding Components Decoration and Xinxing Property.


  • 成立上海分公司,承接托尼亚斯仓储上海有限公司电子厂房,为公司进军上海市场打下良好的基础。
  • It set up the Shanghai branch,undertook components of the electronic factory of Tonias Storage Shanghai Co.,Ltd.,which laid a good foundation for the company to enter Shanghai market.


  • 承建市政府重大实事工程—苏州体育中心,项目总建筑面积42627平方米,包括体育馆、体育场、健身馆、中心公园等配套设施。
  • It contracted to build the major important project of the municipal government-Suzhou Sports Center.With total construction area of 42627 square meters,the project contained the gym,the stadium,the fitness center,the central park adn other supporting facilities.


  • 公司进行改制,组建威廉希尔集团有限公司,此前,1999年承接市重点工程项目—观前街整治工程,项目总金额6亿,历时三年,囊括建筑更新、立面整治和民宅改善,项目完工后使其成为苏州古城旅游文化的一张王牌。
  • The company carried out reforms and set up Suzhou Construction Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.In 1999,it contracted to build the key municipal project-Guanqian Street Rectification Project.With a total amount of RMB600 million Yuan,the project took 3 years and included architecture renewal,facade rectification and private house improvement.After the project was completed,Guanqian Street became the ace of ancient city tourism culture of Suzhou.


  • 承建上海浦东美国通用(中国)技术研发中心项目,为公司承接外资企业工业厂房类工程树立了典范。
  • It contracted to build the project of Shanghai Pudong—American General Motors(China)Technology R&D Center,setting the example for the company to undertake industrial factory projects of foreign—funded enterprises.


  • 公司大力推进房地产开发事业,公司首个房产项目博雅苑、文萃苑赢得了市场的广泛好评。
  • The company greatly promoted real estate business.It's first real estate project,Boya Garden and Wencui Garden were widely acclaimed in the market.


  • 公司进行二次深化改制,优化公司组织架构,同年汶川大地震,公司自觉承担社会责任和政治责任,踊跃捐款献血,开展灾区援建,并荣获苏州市建设系统抗震救灾先进集体称号。
  • The company carried out secondary deepening reforms and refined the organizational structure.After Wenchuan Earthquake in the same year,the company voluntarily took the social and political responsibility and donated money and blood actively,and provided assistance in construction of the disaster area.As a result,it was awarded the title of Advanced Group of Earthquake Relief by Suzhou Construction System.


  • 公司开发的云锦苑、海澜堡等多个房产项目顺利交付,同时在浙江、安徽、上海等地承建了联想、纬创、广达集团等多个大型工业厂房及住宅项目。
  • Several real estate projects developed by the company including Yujinyuan and Hailanbao were successfully delivered.Meanwhile,it contracted to build several large industrial factories and houses of Lenovo,Wistron and Guangda group etc.in Zhejiang,Anhui and Shanghai.


  • 承建合福铁路安徽段长临河站、无为站,广西沿海铁路合浦站、防城港北站等多个高铁站项目。
  • It contracted to undertake several high—speed rail station projects such as Changlinhe Station and Wuweu Station of Anhui Section of Hefei—Fuzhou Railway,Hepu Station and Fangchenggangbei Station of Guangxi Coastal Railway.


  • 公司与保利协鑫、中海地产、绿地等多个国内知名的房地产开发企业进行战略合作,承建的项目均以高品质、高效率、高水准获得客户一致好评。
  • It carried out strategic cooperation with several famous domestic real estate development enterprises including GCL,Zhonghai Real Estate,Greenland Group.The projects undertook by it all gained favorable comments from clients with high quality and efficiency.


  • 调整公司战略发展规划,明确企业做精、做强、做优建筑业的发展目标。导入全新的企业CIS形象,凝聚力量,团结队伍向新的目标砥砺前行。
  • It has adjusted its strategic development planning,specified the development goal of being an excellent,strong and targeted construction enterprise.It also introduces the brand—new CIS to gather strength and unite teams to march toward the new goal.
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